On November 17th an anonymous whistleblower downloaded email and data files from computers at the Climatic Research Unit and, using a Internet server based in Russia, posted them on a ‘Global Warming skeptic’ website called The Air Vent. Soon thereafter the files were forwarded to numerous other ‘skeptic’ websites and news outlets. The leaked files include more than 1,000 emails and about 3,000 documents, and they provide abundant evidence of falsification of data among the scientists at the forefront of promoting the theory of Global Warming.
The leaked emails consist of correspondence between many of the top researchers in the field of climate science and Global Warming, including CRU’s Director Phillip Jones and his assistant, Keith Briffa; Michael Mann at Pennsylvania State; Malcolm Hughes at the University of Arizona; Kevin Trenberth at the National Center for Atmospheric Research; James Hansen at NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies; and James Holdren, US President Barack Obama’s new ‘Science Czar’.